Fishing (Round The Year)
Pakistan has a continental shelf area of 50,270 km and coastline length
of 1,120 km. The total maritime zone of Pakistan is over 30 percent of
the land area. The coastal belt is characterized by a meshwork of
estuaries and creeks with mangrove forestry that serve as nursery
grounds for species of finfish and shellfish.
Recreational fishing in Pakistan is usually overlooked by the Pakistan
Game Fish Association (PGFA). There are three main types of recreational
fisheries in Pakistan: billfish and tuna fishing and sport fishing
(pelagic) in coastal waters and hand-line fishing (bottom fishing) in
inter-tidal and shallow waters. There are 531 species of Fish in
Pakistan. 233 of them are of fresh water. The northern mountains of
Pakistan have good trout fishing . Central parts of Pakistan have good
spots for fishing of Rohu, Mahasher ,Thela and Gourami.